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Kiss-lab: Creatures of the Night!
Postado em 13 de October de 2020 @ 2:00 pm | 478 views

In 2019 I had an idea about putting together few musicians to create new versions of song that I really love and are special for me somehow.
The song chosen to be the first one was Creatures of the Night from KISS and for that I had the honor of working with Gustavo Polidori (guitars), Victor Cutrale (vocals), Rafael Victor (bass) and Tiago Assolini (guitars). A great team of great musicians and friends!
It was done very slowly…
I recorded the drums in the end of 2019 but we only concluded the other guys recording and mixing in July, 2020, because we faced some challenges during the process – besides the pandemic – that were some healthy problems with Gustavo Polidori.
But we did it!
Gustavo suggested us to release the song only on October, 13th, Creatures of the night’s birthday.
At that time, (July) October seems to be too far but destiny works over everything…
We scheduled the video recording session for August once we were not in a rush and Gustavo couldn’t join us because he had another healthy complication at that time…
When he left the hospital we scheduled his video recording session and his performance was captured on September, 2nd…
We received the final version of the video on September, 21st and we agreed on the details about releasing the video on October, 13th, as a celebration and a tribute to the importance of this album for us as musicians and to an entire generation, in Brazil, that was influenced by it.
On September, 22nd – the next day – , in the morning, Gustavo Polidori passed away… and he was the one that re-created all the guitar parts of the song on top of my drum tracks for this version that you are going to watch.
So this video is to reinforce that this song is a tribute and a celebration to this great album and this amazing song of this band that we love but it is also a tribute and a celebration to a great human being, a great friend and an excellent musician that was Gustavo Polidori.
So I hope you enjoy it because I believe it was his last recording (I’m not sure about that) but I remember that he was so happy that day and this is how we are going to remember him, forever!
Thank you and enjoy our tribute to Kiss and Gustavo Polidori with Creatures of the night!


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